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Ėmužienė, Ina

Dr. Ina Ėmužienė
Phone: (8 5) 239 8697
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In 2018, she obtained a doctorate degree from Vytautas Magnus University (the dissertation “The development of audiovisual media of Lithuanians in America in 1944–1990”; supervisor Prof. Dr. Habil. Egidijus Aleksandravičius). Her research work focuses on the history of Lithuanian expatriates and the studies of the Lithuanian culture and communication as well as cross-disciplinary studies of the tools of Lithuanian media and of the Lithuanian resistance movement. She works with traditional and unique archives (sound, visual and photography) and is highly knowledgeable in interdisciplinary methods for the analysis of archives in Lithuania and the USA.

Currently she is involved in the research on communication media of the Lithuanian diaspora, which includes preparation of articles on memorialising Lithuanian writers in broadcasts of the diaspora’s radio and on the history of the radio of the Lithuanian diaspora; activities in the promotion of the National Library’s archives; the preparation for publication of a source, the diary of the19th century officer Ignotas Grubliauskas; and the verbal history project “30 Stories and 30 Years: Experiences of the Returners and Their Contribution to Solidifying Lithuania’s Independence” devoted to the 30th anniversary of the restoration of Lithuania’s independence.

  • ĖMUŽIENĖ, Ina. Klausytis „Dievo žodžio“ Amerikos lietuvių radijo programose. Oikos: lietuvių migracijos ir diasporos studijos, 2020, Nr. 1(29), p. 71–87. ISSN 1822-5152. Prieiga per internetą: https://doi.org/10.7220/2351-6561.29.4.
  • ĖMUŽIENĖ, Ina. Trijų Baltijos šalių bendrystės pėdsakai BATUNʼo veikloje. Oikos: lietuvių migracijos ir diasporos studijos, 2019, Nr. 1(27), p. 193–197. ISSN 1822-5152. Prieiga per internetą: https://doi.org/10.7220/2351-6561.27.
  • ĖMUŽIENĖ, Ina. „Uždaryti prokomunistinį radiją“: Detroito lietuvių konfliktas 1941–1955 m. Oikos: lietuvių migracijos ir diasporos studijos, 2018, Nr. 1(25), p. 81–99. ISSN 1822-5152. Prieiga per internetą: https://doi.org/10.7220/2351-6561.25.5.
  • ĖMUŽIENĖ, Ina. The Evolution of audio and audio-visual media in the Lithuanian – American community. Rundfunk und Geschichte, 2016, Heft 3-4, p. 66–67. ISSN 0175-4351. Prieiga per internetą: http://rundfunkundgeschichte.de/artikel/heft-3-42016/.
  • VAISIŪNAITĖ, Ina. Lithuanian broadcasting in USA as a tool to remember. Iš: Tracing the Baltic Road to Independence in Diaspora Archives. Riga: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas Baltijas stratēģisko pētījumu centrs, 2015, 123–135. ISBN 978-9934-8515-3-7.