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The 2021/23 Research Action Plan

The 2021/23 Research Action Plan of the National Library sets out 112 subjects, which include 112 categories of research activities:

I. The Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System as a model for the users’ information and media literacy
II. Modelling of library statistics
III. Information and documentation. Change of normative documents and terminology
IV. Information policy in the presence of social, political and economic crises
V. Change of the publishing system and statistics
VI. Interaction of national strategies and strategic solutions within political communication
VII. Communication of agents of the Lithuanian educational system and informing the public
VIII. Lithuanian public libraries as institutions for consolidating democratic values and developing civil society
IX. National bibliography as the reflection of the development of Lithuania’s Statehood
X. Interaction of the Law on Public Information and the change of the media framework
XI. Maintaining currency of documentary sources. Interaction of everyday life and the sociocultural heritage.
XII. History of the National Library from the point of view of the human and technological change.

The National Library’s 2021/23 Research Action Plan is now under discussion at the National Library’s Scientific Council and will be published when endorsed.