Telefonas Klaustukas Sitemap
Image 1 April 2022

Changes at the National Library from 4 April

The National Martynas Mažvydas Library of Lithuania provides services in accordance with pandemic management measures approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

Issuing and return of books

  • We recommend to order documents online, but, if necessary, they can be reserved by phone (8 5) 249 7028 from the Leisure Reading and General Collections and by phone (8 5) 239 8563 from the Collection of the Children‘s and Youth Literature Department. We recommend first to order books, receive notification about the resolving of your order and only then go to the Library.
  • The most convenient and safest way to return books is by using a non-contact self-service machine on the 2nd or the box for returning books floor nest to the Library‘s main entrance.

Visitor requirements:

  • Protective devices covering nose and mouth (surgical face masks or respirators) are recommended at the premises of the National Library for visitors older than age of 6. Persons with disability who cannot wear masks because of their health condition or if wearing of a mask might harm their health, are recommended to wear a protective face shield. 
  • Visitors entering the building shall have their body temperature measured using a thermal imager. Persons showing obvious signs of acute upper respiratory tract disease (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) and/or subject to mandatory isolation shall not be admitted to the library or its premises.
  • Visitors are requested to keep at least 2 m apart from each other (including staff) in queues for the pick-up/return of books and other items.
  • Surgical face masks or respirators are recommended at events in closed spaces for visitors older than 6. Persons with disability who cannot wear masks because of their health condition or if wearing of a mask might harm their health, are recommended to wear a protective face shield. Visitors with symptoms of acute upper respiratory tract diseases are not allowed to attend events. 
  • Visitors are asked to keep a safe 2 m distance, to observe coughing and sneezing etiquette (covering the nose and mouth with a disposable handkerchief, or coughing or sneezing into the inside of a bent elbow) and proper hand hygiene (frequent hand washing with soap and water or using sanitiser).
  • The premises of the library are cleaned, disinfected and ventilated several times a day in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania.

We kindly invite you to use the National Library’s remote services. Follow us on social media and on the National Library website

Cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation of the Library’s premises is performed at least once a day following the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania.

Let us stay healthy and safe. We thank visitors of the library for their understanding and sense of responsibility.