Telefonas Klaustukas Sitemap
23 December 2021

Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year!

Within the last couple of years, the world has been facing serious encounters, which, nonetheless, forced us to consolidate, rethink our operation methods, and make uncommon decisions. It cannot be disputed that libraries were among the first to orient themselves toward the right ways how to operate during the global pandemic and remained demanded by people not only as persisting to be providers of spiritual nourishment, books, but also as becoming an institution which ensures access to trustful information sources. I can confirm this by drawing on the example of Lithuania’s National Library: 2021 for us has been plentiful with successful activities.

On several occasions, I have emphasised that a library cannot operate properly without creative staff. I thank all who contribute to making the National Library liked by people and visible outside Lithuania.

I hope that, for people of the professional library community, 2022 will also be a year of fresh ideas and creative energy and that they will remain sincere and attentive to visitors and one another.

I wish you merry Christmas and happy and hopeful New Year.

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Director-General of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

