Telefonas Klaustukas Sitemap
13 March 2020

For the National Library‘s borrowers

We remind you that from 13 March until 13 April, the National Library is temporarily providing only remote services and has cancelled all events.

If you want to return books:

Next to the Library‘s main entrance, there is a special box, where you can leave the books round the clock. If the 30 day borrowing period has expired, you can prolong it at the Library‘s electronic catalogue at by clicking “My area” and signing in by indicating the number of your reader‘s pass and password.

If you have received an e-mail about the expiration of returning, click the link in the e-mail. The delay charge is temporarily not applied.

Information is available at:

The “Ask the Librarian” Service here ›.

The information how to use the service is available here ›.

The National Library is closely monitoring the situation and upon the change of circumstances, will inform about the provided services.

Thank you for your cooperation.