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  • 5 January 2023

    Exhibition of Daumantas Levas Todesas’ project “Wanderings of Moses”


    The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania and the Department of National Minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania invite you to the exhibition of the project “Wanderings of Moses” by the Chairman of the Council of National Minorities, Daumantas Levas Todesas.

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  • 23 December 2022

    We wish you a bright and joyful winter holiday!


    Dear All!

    2022 has demanded our focus and courage. The year was marked by Russia's unprovoked war against Ukraine. In the face of aggression, Lithuania maintained its respect for democratic principles and humanity. We have reaffirmed our unity and belief in the fundamental values of freedom.

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  • 22 December 2022

    Opening hours during the Christmas season


    Dear visitors, the National Library is closed on public holidays. On the last working day before the public holiday, namely on the 23rd and 31st of December, the library will close one hour earlier. 

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  • 8 December 2022

    The National Library of Lithuania Presented Its Activities in the field of Lithuanian History Policy to the Seimas


    On December 7, 2022, the Commission for the Cause of Freedom and the National History Memory of the Lithuanian Parliament (Lith. Laisvės kovų ir valstybės istorinės atminties komisija) held a discussion on the history policy-making in Lithuania at the Seimas.

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  • 29 November 2022

    Visit by the Director of the National Library of Israel


    On 28–29 November, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania (NLL) organised a training programme devoted to the historical Jewish press in Lithuania-. Reports were delivered and workshops conducted by the professor at the University of Portsmouth, UK, Susanne Marten-Finnis and the manager of the historical Jewish press project ‘JPress’ implemented by the National Library of Israel. The collection of the historical Jewish press preserved at NLL was introduced by the Head of this Library’s Judaica Research Centre Dr Larisa Lempertienė. The seminars were organised by the National Library of Israel together with NLL.

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  • 21 November 2022

    Early Reading Forum


    On the 7–8th of December The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania invites you to participate in the Early Reading Forum. It is a yearly event by the National library that aims to promote a professional and credible message on the benefits of early reading. The event is meant for parents, future parents and experts working with the reading education of toddlers – librarians, experts in formal and non-formal education. We invite you to watch the live event broadcast.

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  • 15 November 2022

    The National Library unveiled an exhibition dedicated to the centenary of friendship between Lithuania and Japan – “Bonds / Kizuna”


    On the 14th of November 2022, the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania celebrated the centenary of the friendship between Lithuania and Japan. The official diplomatic relations between the two countries began on 20 December 1922, when the Government of Japan signed the Act of Recognition of the Republic of Lithuania, symbolically marking the beginning of diplomatic ties. In 2022, at a meeting of the Lithuanian and Japanese Prime Ministers in Japan, it was agreed to raise bilateral relations between Lithuania and Japan to the level of a strategic partnership. On this occasion, the National Library has launched a series of events aimed at getting to know the history and culture of Japan better, discovering unexpected episodes of the century-long friendship between the two countries, and discovering the personalities who have linked the two countries: diplomats, historians and artists. On November 15th, the series of events officially opened with an exhibition of books and other documents linking Lithuania and Japan through cultural and diplomatic ties, entitled “Bonds / Kizuna”. It was organised by the Embassy of Japan and the National Library. The guests were greeted by the national anthems of Lithuania and Japan and, after the opening speeches, were entertained by the Vilnius City Choir “Jauna muzika” (Young Music), which had just returned from a tour of Japan.

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  • 10 November 2022

    National Library opening hours on the 14th of November

    Naujienos iliustracija

    Dear visitors, please be informed that on the 14th of November the National Library's opening hours end at 17:00.

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  • 28 October 2022

    Opening hours on the 31st of October, 1st and 2nd of November


    Dear visitors, please be reminded that the National Library is closed during public holidays so it will not be open to the public on the 1st and 2nd of November. 

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  • 24 October 2022

    Commemoration of the Constitution of the Ukrainian Cossack Nation at the National Library


    We kindly invite you to participate in the commemoration of the Constitution of the Ukrainian Cossack Nation of 1710 that will take place on the 26th of October, 2022, at 14:00 in the Statehood Centre of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania.

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  • 19 October 2022

    To readers who have borrowed books from the National Library


    Please be informed that fines for overdue books will start accruing on the 8th of November, 2022.

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  • 18 October 2022

    Conference 'The Development of Lithuania After 1990: Visions, Facts and Memories'


    In 2017, a collection of publications and documents of Vytautas Landsbergis, the President of the Supreme Council–Reconstituent Seimas and the first leader of the restored independent Lithuanian state, donated to the National Library gave way to the establishment of a structural unit of the Library, the Statehood Centre. Its mission is to stimulate the public demand to know the historical development of Lithuania and processes of the creation of a modern state as well as contribute to the consolidation of democratic values and to the building of civic society. 

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  • 5 October 2022

    Prof. Irena Veisaitė’s Personal Library Gifted to the National Library of Lithuania


    On October 5, the professor’s daughter, Alina Slavinsky, has kindly gifted the personal library of Professor Irena Veisaitė (1928-2020), a literary critic, theater scholar, and public figure, to the National Library of Lithuania.

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  • 16 September 2022

    National Library opening hours from the 19th of September


    Dear visitors! Please be informed that taking into account the energy saving measures and recommendations proposed by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, the opening hours of the National Library from the 19th of September are as follows:

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  • 15 September 2022

    Exhibition "Books of Laughter and Memory: Translations of Czech and Slovak literature into Lithuanian"


    On 14 September – 6 October the exhibition "Books of Laughter and Memory: Translations of Czech and Slovak literature into Lithuanian", dedicated to the centennial anniversary of diplomatic relations between Lithuania and the Czech Republic, as well as to the second presidency of the Czech Republic of the Council of the European Union, is being held at the Statehood Centre of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania.

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  • 7 September 2022

    International conference "Re-Working the Trauma: research on Roma and Jews in the Baltics and USA"

    Renginio iliustracija

    Multicultural center "Padėk Pritapti", Roma Community Center and Lithuanian Jewish Community, in partnership with The Department of National Minorities under Lithuanian Government, The Genocide and Resistance Research Center, The Center of Social Anthropology at VMU, National Martynas Mažvydas Library, Lithuanian Roma Community, are cordially inviting everyone to the international conference on Roma and Jewish Holocaust and Memory studies with a keynote lecture by anthropologist dr. Krista Hegburg from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

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  • 5 September 2022

    ‘За Свабоду’/ ‘For Freedom’. Photographs by Christina Stohn


    Since the rigged presidential elections in Belarus in 2020, more than 40,000 Belarusians have come to Lithuania – most of them to Vilnius. Having become masters of self-organization due to the circumstances in their own country, the people from Belarus have also created structures in Vilnius: co-working spaces and self-help groups, crowdfunding campaigns for urgent evacuations from Belarus, and now also support for Ukraine. But Vilnius, once a spiritual capital that twice became the intellectual center of the Belarusian nation in the 20th century, quickly lost its symbolic character for many and became a real place with worries and problems, with a migration office and parking tickets. And the outside perspective on the new arrivals also changed: With the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, many Belarusians no longer experience only solidarity, but sometimes also scepticism as citizens of a satellite state of the aggressor. But since then, the incredulous looks that made mutual trust difficult have also become rarer. The knowledge of the violence that the Belarusians carried with them is now on every screen. 

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  • 26 August 2022

    National Library’s opening hours from the 29th of August


    Dear visitors! Please be informed that from the 29th of August National Library’s opening hours will be as usual.

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  • 23 August 2022

    The exhibition ‘Jonas Jurašas. Value of Existence’


    The exhibition of the Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema Museum devoted to the life and work of the legendary theatre director the winner of the Lithuanian National prize for Culture and Arts Jonas Jurašas.

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  • 22 August 2022

    The Exhibition ‘Lithuanian Heritage Treasures in UNESCO’s Lists and Registers’


    On 1 September 2022, there will be an interactive exhibition launched at the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania (in the Atrium, 3rd floor) devoted to Lithuanian heritage treasures entered into UNESCO’s lists and registers.

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